Onduline Corrugated Roofing

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Onduline Corrugated Roofing

RETURN TO Corrugated Roof
Does anyone know where we can get Onduline Corrugated Roofing in the United States? I am at a dead end. The only place I have found it is France, Australia and New Zealand.
Guest User
2004-10-19 09:04:42.000000
This is the Metal Roofing Alliance website. We promote the use and awareness of metal roofing. Onduline is not a metal product but our member companies make many very nice metal products with a similar appearance. I do not know how to obtain Onduline.
Guest User
2004-10-19 23:26:47.000000
Onduline is now called Ondura. Call 1-800-777-7663
Guest User
2004-11-12 13:26:50.000000
I don't know why you would want to put something like that up on your roof ??? I think you should research that product if you are serious about it... look particularly at how often the name of the company/product has changed-- and why, warrenty complaints from individuals that have tried the product, any legal proceeding against the company, etc.....
Guest User
2004-11-22 09:53:00.000000
I agree with RayS. We have had onduline installed for about 7 years. Thier warranty was for 15 years. Already it has lost nearly all its colour (which we dont mind too much as it looks more natural than steel roofing), but the worst part is that is de-laminating and falling apart. we have tried several avenues to get it repaired by onduline but the agent wants nothing to do with it and claims that it was never intened to be left unpainted. They claim that it must be painted on a regular basis for their warranty to be valid. this is not what we were told when we were sold the product. It was sold to us as a natural product that doesnt need painting and will last for at least 15 years. It looks like we will now have to re-roof at our own cost. A very dissapointing product.
Guest User
2006-06-18 16:15:36.000000
I too have had problems with this product. The color faded, paint peeled, nails came up or sank into the material and the material itself has cracks all in it. It seems to have a problem when the sun hits it also. The company does not honor it's warrenty. I understand this company has changed it's name several times, yet continues to make and sell this material. I've seen several posts with these same complaints. I have spoken to an attorney who is willing to file a class action lawsuit. Sjudd and others, would you like to be a part of this?
Guest User
2006-06-20 18:21:06.000000
sorry if I was inappropriate....didn't mean to misuse your site.
Guest User
2006-06-21 02:02:05.000000
I bought a house with onduline roofing. It is no longer available here. I would not use it. There was already a class action suit against them. The upshot was that they provided paint to recoat the roofing. We missed that. But we have repainted it with an epoxy paint that was recommended. We will be repainting it forever i think. judy
Guest User
2006-09-13 09:32:48.000000
I have just had to replace my Onduline roof after 16 years. On the sunny side of the building it has catastrophically failed. The products corrugations have collapsed. I has as many as 20 holes in some sheets and it was only the building paper keeping the rain out. Colour has worn off and it has become too brittle to access and repair. Whilst the product is serviceable in other areas of the roof and easy to work with, its longevity or lack of is not in my opinion worth the problems it has caused. The distribution chain are not easy to deal with in terms of admitting the product is failing either. My advise is to go with something else!
Guest User
2008-10-23 18:52:09.000000
I tgoo am experiencing issues with Ondura. I had Ondura installed in 2000 by a professional roofer. Less than 8 years later the paint is peeling and flaking. Most of the damage is on the southern side of the roof. I had to send lots of pictures and fill out a form before they would even take my claim. There is no one you can speak to. They only will deal with you by mail; no email and no phone. Their waranty offer is for about 25% of the cost to cover the cost of their paint, no labor. I am not happy wth their warranty. Buyer be ware. My roofer is researching alternative paint sources to Ondura. I want a product paint than what they offer.
Guest User
2008-11-15 10:31:03.000000
Hi Todd; I realize that you are a metal roofing expert but maybe you could point me to one that has knowledge of Onduline bitumen sheeting. I actually live in Malaysia (4 degrees north of the equator) the community i live in installed onduline sheets over the car ports. On certain days and conditions (temp and humidity mix i suppose) the bitumen would drip off the material and leave brown tar spots all over my cars (and 220 others in the community). After pleading with the developers, they put up plastic under the roofing to catch the drops. Since the developer was not doing anything about it, I circulated a flyer in the community asking those that were fed up with it to please sign and return the flyer to me to put pressure on the developer. Now the developer has filed a defamation case on me claiming that I have given the impression that they are an "errant" developer. Just after this started, and my pleas to the developer were falling on deaf ears, I went onto the web site in Malaysia and found comments about it being quite good in warm climates but cautions about equatorial and "extreme" temperature installations. unfortunately this incident apparently got back to Onduline and all the web pages NOW read that is GREAT even under the hottest suns. funny huh? After 9 months they have finally replaced all of it but they continue the litigation. I sure could use some expert testimonial that this Onduline bitumen material is not suited for hot sun. (or copies of the old web pages that cautioned about it) I would appreciate any suggestions. I attach a photo of one of my cars after a night of dripping Onduline. thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Guest User
2009-01-12 21:54:54.000000
I received a message that my file size was larger than the 1MB limit so here the photo of a car splattering morning is again in compressed format. sure could use some help fighting off this "honorable developer". thanks
Guest User
2009-01-12 22:20:40.000000
Wow, I was all ready to buy the Ondura product for a studio I'm building, then came across this website, glad I did. I wanted to go with galvanized corrugated metal roofing to begin with, but I can't seem to find any in my area or someone willing to ship the small quantity I would need. I need approx. 4-6 4'x8' sheets and I live in Falls Church, VA, outside Washington, DC area. Any direction you could point me in would be appreciated. Jon
Guest User
2009-06-08 20:34:14.000000
We have had nothing but problems with Onduline on our barn roof. The color peeled off years ago, there are holes especially in the peak. Last 2 years we have patched the holes but every year there are more. We are not of the age where we can repair this roof on our own anymore. We had a life time warranty. I wish I'd known about the class action.
Guest User
2009-08-25 12:43:53.000000
onduine is steel roof truss??
Guest User
2009-08-26 17:43:28.000000
Onduline....a major fire hazard...doesn't last...deform easily. Been cheated thousands of dollars!! Don't use Onduline!
Guest User
2009-12-04 01:42:59.000000
also in Philippines.
Guest User
2010-06-19 05:02:55.000000
I have used Onduline extensively and it is now 12 years old and is absolutely teribble,it moves ,fades,leaks at the numerouus nail holes and ridge flashings,becomes very soft and pliable with age and continually flakes minute slivers off the rooh staining gutters etc. Used it as liked the look and the no maintenance sails pitch,but have since seen that suppliers here are saying it should now be painted to cover their backsides on existing roof owners complaints.numerous forums out their with users having major problems.I advise don't use it
Guest User
2010-10-12 19:11:29.000000
I would urge you to have your attorney contact them.
Todd Miller
2006-06-18 18:15:09.000000
It would be inappropriate for our website to promote this sort of activity.
Todd Miller
2006-06-20 20:11:27.000000
That's fine. I just needed to point that out. I understand your frustration!
Todd Miller
2006-06-21 06:16:02.000000
yep. probably. Metal is the way to go!
Todd Miller
2006-09-13 19:15:14.000000
Thank you. Readers -- please keep in mind that Onduline is not a metal product.
Todd Miller
2008-10-24 22:26:12.000000
thank you.
Todd Miller
2008-11-16 07:28:58.000000
I am sorry. We cannnot help you. Our expertise is in metal roofing.
Todd Miller
2009-01-14 19:47:36.000000
I would suggest contacting MRA member manufacturers like Metal Sales Mfg and Fabral and asking what distribution theyr have in your area.
Todd Miller
2009-06-09 05:55:36.000000
dartoh, Onduline is a roofing material, not a truss.
Todd Miller
2009-09-09 19:42:57.000000
ONDULINE ROOF SHEETING IS RUBBISH. Stay away from it. The "guaranteed" colour fades within a couple of years. The impregnated bitumen leeches out. If you paint it the paint peels off because of the bitumen leech. ONDULINE loses its shape, softens, leaks, sags and all in all is a complete disaster and should be removed from the market. It was a very, very expensive mistake on our build.
Av vanRooyen
2009-09-09 16:08:05.000000
Onduline is made out of Bitumen. i am a happy customer of Onduline since 1995 @ Lagos ,Nigeria (west Africa). its the most suited roofing for the tropics,heat insulator,noise proof.we see the rain not heard. i did my market survey before buying it,The Ondura(USA)&onduline(France) are two different brand names. they have nothing to do with each other. checkout www.onduline.com.
Diwakar thiruvalam jayachandran
2010-02-11 09:41:36.000000
I am organizing a class action against onduline. If this site cannot communicate this fact maybe there is some way of where we can organize everyone who wants to be in on this. My whole roof has disintegrated in 6 years causing damage (mold) to the timber sarking inside.
Norm Keane
2011-01-30 00:07:53.000000