We are in the middle of having a 24 gauge Taylor concealed fastener standing seam metal roof installed on 12:12 pitch house and garage.... replacing a Champion metal roof that is badly faded.
We live on an island in the Pacific Northwest (lots of rain, little snow).
One skylight is installed and curb mounted. I don't like the looks of the flashing and this skylight is very visable. Can I send a picture? Could something be added near the top to conceal the flashings?
Next skylight is a Velux deck mounted with Velux metal flashing kit. Taylor says this will break down over time... do we need to have the AL flashing isolated from the steel roof panels to stop this?
Exposed fasteners with neoprene washers were screwed through the middle of each panel near the eave end and in the short panels above the skylight. Taylor does not recommend doing this, saying it will leak eventually. It also doesn't look good, distorts the panels. I've had the installer stop doing this but would like to replace the 8 panel section where it has been done.
Are there detailed diagrams for flashing skylights and stove pipes in metal roofs? Taylor's manual only has a 2 pages on skylight flashing which the installer followed.