I work for an insurance co. in Oklahoma. We allow a discount on a metal roof of 26 guage or heavier. Many times, a new homeowner has no way to prove the roof will qualify. Do you know if there is a tool we could use to measure the guage of metal to assist the insured. If there is, where could I find one. Thanks
Guest User
2004-08-27 12:21:05.000000
First of all, as an industry, it is pretty well agreed-upon that "gauge" is an outdated way to refer to metal thickness. It is better and far more exact to use decimal form -- fraction of an inch.
Furthermore, we also recognize as an industry that metal thickness is but one criteria to consider when it comes to evaluating a metal roofing system. The design of the product also plays a major role in terms of its ultimate durability and service life. For example, in wind testing, a thicker product will not necessarily always out-perform a thinner product.
Metal thickness can be measured in decimal form using a micrometer or calipers. The metal should be measured in a flat area. Keep in mind that, on quality products, the paint coating might add .001" in thickness. Also, with stone coatings, the coating will add much more.
Also, the building code report for the product should specify its metal thickness.
I will go ahead and answer what I know will be your next question by stating that 26 gauge metal could range in thicikness from .0187" to .0247", with a nominal thickness of .0217". As you can see, gauge allows for a wide variance. That is why using decimal thickness is much preferred.