Video: Choosing Metal Over Wood Shake From "At Home With Gary Sullivan"

In this radio spot, Gary discusses metal as an alternative to wood shake for a caller's new roof.

Mike welcome. Or Max I'm sorry.

Yes thank you very much Gary appreciate your show.

Thank you.

I'm half south of San Francisco on the coast area about 20. About two hours drive at places called the Casal. It's a English style tudor style and it has a steep roof and that they used the wood shake on the roof and the south facing side of course his weathered and it's not leaking yet but it's 42 years old and I'm at the point I feel I should replace it. And it's very visible to many people. And so I'd like to do something that is very pleasing to the people who see the house and the roof. I was wondering what I might use instead of wood shake. And where I could get the very best research information. I was hoping there might be something.

Yes, there is. I'll tell you, you're very smart not going to the wood shake because you know we've had this question a couple times today not necessarily about roofing Max but alternative products too wood that aesthetically gives us the look but give you more protection and maybe less maintenance. And in the roofing that you're describing. Yeah, wood is you know it's just going to require a lot of maintenance the longevity is not going to be there and there really is better products out there that can be equally aesthetically pleasing. And one would be metal. The other would be composites.

And you know you say a metal roof and right away or by thinks of the old standing seam steel, steel roofs and metal roofs are so far beyond that. You can't imagine. There is a Metal Roofing Association. And I would go to their website, you can find dealers you can find pictures but they have a metal roof that looks exactly like wood shakes. They have a metal roof that looks like slate. They have a metal roof that looks like fiberglass shingles. And these metal roofs have a lifespan of 50 years plus. Wind ratings, fire ratings and the Metal Roofing Association is where I would start my search, Max.

All right, yeah and they have a website?

[00:02:38] Yes. Off the top my head I don't have it. If you just Google Metal Roofing Association and it'll take you. Lots of great information there. A dealer locator there and I think you'll be off and running.

Gary, you're just so, so helpful to me and I appreciate it.

Thank you very much. Thank you Max.

All of the very best.

All right take care. Very good. And yeah looking at some of these different types of materials, composite being another one, really gives you a lot of options.